Category Archives: optometrist

Alhamdulillah for new glasses….

So alhamdulillah, apparently the only way to get results is to nag people for what you want… new life lesson sisters. Im only kidding of course (well, halfway anyway) as after asking constantly for over a year, my daughters optometrist finally ordered Miraflex frames – of which my daughter will be having the pink ones inshaAllah (as pictured below). The reason for my enthusiasm is that Im never able to let her wear them as much as she should because she breaks the frames but these new Miraflex are silicone type plastic which she cannot break and they have an elastic in the back to hold them on her head. InshaAllah she will get good use out of these ones.



Also, on another bright note, again within my daughter’s circle, her AAC therapist is working to get her this device (or similar). InshaAllah it comes before school starts. There is a 1 and 1/2 year waiting list but she jumped to the top once she was accepted to JMCC – again, alhamdulillah for this blessing. Now she only has to wait three months! It is touch screen, with different menus on the main page for different situations and she can tell us anything now, from what she needs, to how beautiful the sunset is – MashaAllah…….


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Filed under aac (augmentive and alternative communication), daughter, optometrist, visually impaired