Category Archives: autumn

My apologies…and finally an update

Astughfirullah, I need to keep better tabs on my site, I have been so neglectful lately. I knew I would be busy with College but I didnt think this busy alhamdulillah! Sooooooo on with the updates!

Okay so with ds, he is throughly enjoying private school and his Quran memorization is coming along beautifuly mashaAllah. He has made many friends their and it is nice for me too, to make friends with the other mothers. He now has orange belt in karate alhamdulillah, working his way on up. We were actually considering whether or not to drop the karate because Mondays is also our day to carpool and it is a half hour each way. Alhamdulillah ds does not want to give it up, he tells me it makes him feel so good when he gets a new belt… he has gotten nine already (they started with full white, then moved on the white-coloured stripe, then finally solid colours). I think he just is excited because he is almost six inshaAllah, and once he is six, he gets to train with nunchucks. lol.

Dd is doing well alhamdulillah. Cancer screen came back negative alhamdulillah. We had her hearing tested and the best results they could get was that she has mild hearing loss in her one ear, and sever in her other ear subhanAllah. Allah give her shiffah. In the meantime, we are going to go for a followup and talk some more about hearing aids and cochlear implants. Other than that, she is progressing well alhamdulillah and catching up to my friends daughters who are her age.

Home schooling. That now has new meaning for us. I think it has turned more into ‘after-school schooling’. Alhamdulillah now that I am in College full time with over forty hours a week, we dont have much time for anything. We did, however, go apple picking at the orchard with seven other families today so that made for a nice autumn field trip mashaAllah. It began with me in a tree (long story, Im not even going to go there – lets just say that the apples that were left were pretty high up the trees) and ds and dd feeding a horse apples. Oh and this weekend (at another orchard- we went orchard hopping this weekend) dd and ds rode horses for the first time alhamdulillah! That was wonderful mashaAllah. Oh and we are making chocolate covered apples and maybe pie again inshaAllah! My ds loves to help me in the kitchen these days.

 All the pretty horses…
 Delicious apples…
  Honeycrisp apples, these were at the top of the tree…

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Filed under autumn, outside activities

horses and apples, and my dear son mashaAllah

Asalaamu alaikum
I went with a group of sisters and their children today we (my son and myself) went to the orchard for some apple picking, hay throwing and horses… here are the photos below. We saw a birds nest as well, and what seemed like a hundred birds flying by subhanAllah… we saw the horses and donkey and picked lots of apples mashaAllah and I had a wonderful conversation with the kids about who created the horses and apples, and the blessings of Allah, a discussion on health and an impromptu baking class mashaAllah. Oh and my son fed apples to the horses mashaallah.


Filed under autumn, botany, health, outside activities, parenting group, photography (mine), religion

Allah made autumn

Bismilillah ar raman ar raheem,

This curriculum study unit explains inshaAllah how everything is created from Allah subhana wa t’ala. The children will also learn about apples, the seasonal fruit of autumn and do many crafts which I will either link to inshaAllah or post here. I hope you enjoy them. Go at your own pace, do not worry about keeping up with us, as I will be posting as I find the resources, rather than once we complete them ourselves inshaAllah. More to come so stay tuned inshaAllah…

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Filed under autumn, curriculum

cool & crisp…its autumn mashaAllah

Asalamu alaikum sisters,
I woke up this morning to cool, crisp air outside and for the first time in months, my son and daughter needed coats to go on a walk… it was beautiful out mashaAllah! Autumn is my favourite time of year because, aside from ramadhan and eid, its apple picking time at the orchards (in Europe, UK, Canada and America anyway, not sure about the middle east!)

For Eid, aside from the prayer, I think we are going to take the kids apple picking inshaAllah… it will be my daughter’s first time, as she was in hossie last year when we took her brother. MashaAllah, he loves the horses and hayrides, and apple picking, and hot apple cider… I remember going there as a little girl, there was this rope we would use to jump from the loft in the barn and then let go and fall into the hay piles…. oh and of course we would collect maple syrup from the maple trees! Sigh….I love autumn. Here are some ideas for an autumn curriculum for your own children inshaAllah

1.) Bake an apple pie.

2.) Organize an apple tasting and explain about different textures, smells, tastes and colours. Explain that Allah made them for us to eat and be healthy mashaAllah (I will expand on this to make it more relevent inshaAllah).

3.) Apple Bobbing

4.) Dipping caramel apples

5.) Make Baked apple porcupines – recipe to follow inshaAllah
Stick clove “quills” in apples before baking for a simple and delicious treat. Just make sure to remove before eating!

6.) Go to the park with hot apple cider and a blanket (you could bring this with you in a canteen inshaAllah)

7.) If you find apples with leaves, you can do apple leaf rubs with a pencil or crayon

YAY I AM TOO EXCITED MASHAALLAH! Worse than the kids… aybe! lol

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Filed under art, autumn, botany, cooking, curriculum, daughter, homeschool, parenting group, sisters, son