Category Archives: patterning


Asalaamu alaikum rhamatullah wa barakatu sisters,

I found this game for my son (originally from Discovery Toys) called “tricky fingers”. It comes in a box with different patterns and two manipulatives. The idea is to use your finger in the holes on the underside to move the coloured balls (in the primary colours) to form a pattern on the card. This game is good alhamdulillah (for my son anyway) because…

  • it develops patience and frustration tolerance;
  • builds critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and pattern recognition skills;
  • Fosters visual perception skills, spatial relationships, and hand-eye coordination;
  • Develops ability to plan strategies;
  • Can be played alone or with others;
  • Customize game with blank pattern cards;
  • Increase ability to focus with “fidget-friendly” game.

    Once they get the understanding of how to play, you can give them a timer like you would in a chess game  inshaAllah so they can challenge themselves.

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Filed under homeschool, mathematics, patterning