Category Archives: fundraising

Malnourished in Yemen…

salaam alaikum ramahtullah wa barakatu (Al Jazeera report is here)


Quick points: Women of Yemen have the lowest birth weight newborns in the world
1 in 3 people in Yemen are malnourished, living in poverty
Poverty increased 25% since 2006 alone.
It is going through triple F crisis-rising food prices,falling feul revenues & the countrys financial crisis

We need to help our sisters and brothers in Yemen insha’Allah… is it not haram to sit back and watch your sister not able to feed her daughters and sons while we sit and not give a second passing thought to all we have? If you have nothing to give, not even half a date, you will get reward for your intention and dua’a…

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Filed under ajer, dua'as, fundraising, non-profit, organization, sadaqah, sisters, yemen

fundraising inshaAllah… calling all your daughters to get involved!

So I am still coming up with ways to fund raise for our on-going project for our sisters in Yemen insha’Allah. Does anyone have any middle eastern recipes for sweets? I found a recipe for Fatima’s Fingers (which are like ricotta filled crepes), Chocolate covered dates, and baklawa and Zalabiya (yemeni fried sweet rings) . I am looking for simple recipes inshaAllah that could preferably be frozen but if not, thats fine too. Insha’Allah I will use these recipes in a bake sale during Jummah in the upcoming weeks. So ask your daughters (or sons) what their favourite recipes are and email them to me inshaAllah or comment with a link to them below ok? Let your daughters know that they will be helping with this and inshaAllah for every item we sell from their recipe, they will get ajer bithin’Allah! Jazak Allah khair sisters!


Filed under ajer, cooking, fundraising, non-profit, organization, sisters, yemen