Category Archives: sciences

Apologies to my sisters….

Asalaamu alaikum everyone. My sincere apologies for the lack of posts. Things have been really busy medically wise with my daughter. We have had too many appointments mashaAllah… a vocal cord surgery coming up, and on this past ultrasound, the radiologist thinks her cancer may have returned so her file and report was sent to her oncologist in London Elhamdulillah. So I hope you all can forgive me for the lack of posts.

On another note, my oldest son as been really into the sciences this year so we are doing all the chemistry and solar experiments and models we can find… we just finished growing crystals and making a miniature solar car. With my daughter we have been working with her on her social studies… that being her MinSpeak speech device… my youngest, well, hes been coming out with new words everyday mashaAllah and hes learning ASL from his sister. Time goes by so fast subhanAllah.

images (4)Fatemah’s Minspeak is very similar to this one. Depending on the icon she hits on the screen, it opens up other menus and lets her create sentences. A preprogrammed female voice will say what is written on the screen either in English or Arabic. Total cost (not from our pocket Alhamdulillah, its covered through the Assisted Devices Program….) was $11,945.00. SubhanAllah.

6-In-1-Educational-Solar-Power-Assemble-Boat-Fan-Car-Dog-Plane-kit-Robot-DIY-Toy.jpg_350x350 This is the solar set I recently found for my son. I want to purchase a better one in the future though inshaAllah as this is not very sturdy etc. This is a once in a lifetime good science find from our local discount store. Total cost was $3.00.

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Filed under daughter, sciences, social awareness, son, Uncategorized

Science Experiements even Mothers will have fun with…

ImageSalaam alaikum sisters, here are a few experiments that are fun, use your discretion as there are a couple not appropriate but look through them, I like the idea of the geodes, ice bubbles, plant in an empty cd case, colorful icicles…

click here



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alhamdulillah, for sprouts

salaam alaikum
Honestly, I didnt expect the beans to sprout too quickly, and the ones in the soil have not as of yesterday, but the ones we placed in the paper towel/bag have alhamdulillah! So we spoke about the different environments each are in, the bounty and the will of Allah subhana wa t’ala, and we cracked a couple open to see how they were sprouting. It is a blessing subhanAllah that plants can grow without soil. Here is a photo…

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Filed under botany, homeschool, sciences, son

biodegradable botany, and seeds insha’allah

Salaam alaikum sisters
I bought these biodegradable pots and soil, and beans/seeds and ds and I plated them this afternoon. In the morning I will take them outside inshaAllah and bring them in at night. He did most of the work himself alhamdulillah, pouring in the soil with a spoon, planting the seed, more soil on top, and then he watered them. There are sticks in three of them, those are black eyed beans and the others are adouki beans i think they are called. Apparently, what I didnt know before, is that lima beans are suppose to grow faster but, alhamdulillah, we will have to be patient. Although we did so many pots, I still had ds place a bunch of black eyes in a wet paper towel inside a clear zip bag just so we can watch the roots grow inshaAllah and make comparisons and contrasts; i.e how a seed grows within soil and without, the root systems, etc. I am also going to get him to journal about botany insha’Allah. I will make another post with links to those pages click here, enjoy!


The Islamic poem I editted to go with the class: The Little Plant and Al-Khaliq

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Filed under botany, homeschool, living green, sciences, son

we were there, now we are back home

Alhamdulillah we went to the science city and it was really quite an excellent place to go for a science trip. There was everything from a fossil dig, to molecule presentations and experiments and jars of animals in formaldehyde. My son loved looking at slides under the microscope and learning about kinetics mashaAllah. I think this made him more interested in sciences now so inshaAllah we will do more in that area soon. I have many photographs but my husbands computer is down and it has the drive on it for my camera card so maybe once it is fixed I can post more insha’Allah.

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